Normal people usually do their interesting hobbies when they are bored, like watching television, playing soccer, and other activities, but for me? I read, you must think that I am just forging a fake blog entry, and you must think what kind of teen likes to read? Well? I do.

That day, my brother was at a school camp and my sister went to school, and my parents decided to go shopping. When the door slammed shut, an eerie silence suddenly filled the house. I liked that silence.
"I can finally hear myself think!" I thought
I then grabbed my newly bought book titled "Stormrage", and began entering the fantasy world of the book.
I imagined myself as the main character, battling demons and fighting for justice, it might sound childish to you, but I did it. My imagination ran wild!

But, how time flies so fast when you are doing what you love, I do not know. But after what felt like a minute that had passed, I suddenly felt it hard to see the tiny words on my book. I looked out of my window and found it hard for my eyes to focus. I strained my eyes to look at the clock and was shocked, what I had thought to be a passing dark cloud that caused the lack of light was actually the arrival of the sunset!
With a sigh and the closing of my book, I got off my comfy chair and found that it was moist from my sweat, I still could not believe that I sat there for 4 long hours!
Sadly, good things never last in this fast paced world, but at least I had a "moment" where I spent alone doing something that I enjoyed.
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